Digital Leadership - Leading in the Digital World of Work


  • Volatility: rapid, constant change
  • Uncertainty: uncertainty, low predictability
  • Complexity: complex simultaneous processes
  • Ambiguity: ambiguity/ambiguity

In the complex digital world of work, it is simply impossible to find a solution to every problem. Decentralized teams spread around the world and remote work require flat hierarchies. Employees want to be able to shape things, demand more autonomy, self-fulfillment and a sense of purpose.

New Work: How to make the transition to a new world of work

In this context, leadership plays a central role in actively shaping the transition to a new world of work. Leading as in the old linear era no longer works. The ZD.B theme platform Working World 4.0 at Bayern Innovativ, in cooperation with Ines Thomas, Leadership & Change Coach, has summarized the most important aspects for a successful implementation of the concept Digital Leadership. In the video, Ines Thomas provides answers to the following questions, among others:

New Work: Digital leadership
Der Führung kommt eine zentrale Rolle zu, um den Übergang in eine neue Arbeitswelt aktiv zu gestalten.

The digital transformation brings with it a massive change in the world of work. The acronym VUCA brings the challenges to the point.

  • How does leadership succeed in the digitalized world of work?
  • What must be considered to make work better for everyone in New Work?

In companies that want to remain attractive as employers for sought-after professionals, management must therefore become more democratic and responsibility more distributed. Those who have the courage to relinquish control and abide by the new rules of the game will be rewarded with more freedom, a motivated team and greater creative freedom. In the video, we show you how this works.

Network Conference Working World 4.0

The second network conference of the ZD.B theme platform Working World 4.0 on December 3, 2020 was themed "Working World 4.0 - Lessons learned from Corona". The effects of the Corona pandemic have led to a paradigm shift in the world of work. Many companies and organizations have gone digital in a rush.

In various parallel workshops, participants from companies, associations, politics and civil society, discussed the impact of the digital transformation on the world of work. In the "Leadership" workshop, participants were confronted with the question of how well prepared they are for the topic of leadership in the digital working world.

The stimulating discussion included the important characteristics, challenges and opportunities of good leadership in the digital working environment, as well as their influencing factors.

Workshop: Digital Leadership
Das Graphic Recording von Matthias Schwert hat die Ergebnisse aus dem Workshop „Leadership“ visuell aufbereitet. Klicken Sie auf das Bild für eine größere Ansicht.

Your contact

Dr. Thomas Helfer

Contact us

Dr. Thomas Helfer
Thomas Helfer
+49 911 20671-282
Contact by e-mail
Transformation and Change, Head of Working World 4.0 and Academy, Bayern Innovativ GmbH, Augsburg

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